SilentSync® Purple Slab Timing Pulley

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SilentSync® Maximum Performance with Cost Saving Results

Continental ContiTech Silentsync® formerly Goodyear Eagle Pd® you have arrived!

The Color Spectrum System makes it easy. The part numbering system for SilentSync includes a letter that corresponds to the color of the branding on the belt (“P” = Purple Slab Sprockets) for the mating belt use the (“P” = Purple Belts) Slab sprockets have extended hubs on both sides of the sprocket for maximum loads. Another reason in case the need to have the Helix facing in required direction. Customer can machine one side or the other for customization of the drive.  

Slab MPB Sprockets = (Minimum Plain Bore) referrers to plain bore sprockets. MPB sprockets are available for custom bores. Small quantities usually customers will choose to bore in house or job out to their local machine shop. Special quotes are considered made to order and quotes are available on request for larger quantities. SilentSync is the best belt drive system money can buy.

  • Lower Noise
  • Less Vibration
  • Narrower Drive
  • Energy Savings
  • Belt Strength  
  • Lowest cost of ownership drive in the industry today.

The reasons are simple energy savings lower noise, narrower drive less vibration and belt strength. High strength aramid tensile member provides maximum resistance to stretch and fatigue. The continuous rolling tooth engagement lower vibration normally associated with synchronous drives can be reduced as much as 19% SilentSync is the best belt drive system money can buy.

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